Selasa, 07 April 2020

Beauty and the beast

Hai everyone welcome back with me, Farah. On this blog, i will not write a mystery like before or about biography. But here i am going to write about song lyrics. So the song lyrics that i use is song from the movie "beauty and the beast" – belle”. Which is sung by Belle character player (Emma Watson). I will explain about why i like the song and the song's lyrics? What is the purpose and meaning of the song?. So let's just discuss it. Hope you can enjoy it 😊

So, do you know the movie "beauty and the beast"?. Probably most already know this movie. Yeah the core of this movie is the love story between the beautiful woman and the beast. In this movie, there are many songs in it. One of my favorite is the song "beauty and the beast -belle". At the beginning of the of the Movie you will be greeted with belle (the beauty) singing that song.

Why did i choose this song? And why i like the song and the lyrics. Because i think the tone is better than the others. And then the song is not only sung at Belle but also sung by other people. Then, some are sung at the same time so the model is almost like an opera or a choir. The unique thing about the song is that it's not just singing, but there is a dialogue in that song. Like Man 1 : bonjour • Woman 1 : good day

What is the purpose and meaning of the song? So this song tells or explains belle's figure, not tell about the core story of this movie. As i said, if this song appears at the beginning of the movie and sung by Belle with the aim to tells about Belle figure. So the meaning of the song lyrics is tells Belle figure that comes from a village with a small town. 》"little town, it's a quiet village". Belle is someone who interested in books, so she always visited a small library in her village. 》"To return this book to pere Robert, it's about to loverd in fair Verona". This made villagers see Belle as a nerd 》"Ah, if it isn't the only bookworm in town!". The villagers also see Belle as a strange person and don't like to join the crowd 》"Look there she goes, that girl is strange, no question" 》" Never part of any crowd". But Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village 》"Her looks have no parallel!". Also a cute or funny girl 》"she really is a funny girl". Until Gaston fell in love with belle and made her his wif 》"Just watch, i'm gling to make Belle my wife!".

So that is the meaning of the lyrics. If you want to listen, here's the link
After listening to the song, what do you think of the song? Whether you like it or not? Tell in the comments. That's all from me, sorry if there's a word wrong. Thank you 😊☺🖤

Kamis, 02 April 2020

Biografi "Slamet Riyanto"

Slamet riyanto merupakan seorang pria yang bekerja keras. Beliau kerap dipanggil pak slamet, Ia dilahirkan di Surabaya pada 10 November 1961. Beliau merupakan anak ketiga belas dari dua belas bersaudara dari pasangan suami istri berlatar belakang Jawa. Ayah saya melewatkan masa kecil hingga remajanya di Surabaya.

Ketika remaja ia bersekolah di SMPN 4 Surabaya. Ia selalu berjalan kaki menuju sekolahnya karena tidak ada kendaraan yang dipakai juga jarak sekolah pun dekat dengan rumahnya.  Setelah lulus dari SMP beliau melanjutkan pendidikannya di SMAN 1 Surabaya. Beliau adalah orang yang sangat keras dalam meraih pendidikannya. Namun sayang, setelah lulus dari SMA ia tidak bisa melanjutkan pendidikannya di jenjang lebih lanjut. Hal ini karena beliau merupakan seorang anak yang hidup di keluarga kurang mampu.

Karena beliau tidak dapat melanjutkan pendidikannya ia akhirnya bekerja di bidang Farmasi, beberapa tahun kemudian, ia menikahi seorang perempuan. Setelah menikah ia sudah tidak bekerja di bidang farmasi. Ia pun bekerja sebagai supervisor lalu bekerja sebagai manajemen. Karena pengalamannya yang cukup banyak dalam bekerja ia pun memberanikan diri untuk membuka usaha sendiri. Beliau pun sukses dengan pekerjaan yang telah ia bangun.

Walaupun beliau tidak berpendidikan tinggi tetapi ia selalu berusaha dalam mencapai kesuksesan. Ia orang yang pantang menyerah, bekerja keras, percaya diri, dan berani. Beliau dapat dijadikan motivasi yang sangat hebat.